ヴィンテージ日本酒とフルーツのペアリング お中元に最適なギフト選び

Pairing vintage sake with fruit: choosing the perfect gift for summer gifts

The season for midsummer gifts, a quintessential summer tradition, has arrived.
Ochugen is an important custom of expressing gratitude for everyday things.

Summer gifts are starting to get a bit stale. For those who love alcohol, why not try some vintage sake this year?


[Christmas] Give a surprising experience to that person who loves alcohol

It's the season to feel the arrival of Christmas. Why not give the gift of alcohol as a Christmas present this year?

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[Labor Thanksgiving Day] Cheers to the families who always work hard

November 23rd is Labor Thanksgiving Day. On this day, why not gather the whole family around the table and celebrate your daily efforts with a little extravagant food and drinks?

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11/22は「いい夫婦の日」 大切な人と古酒を片手に語り合う

November 22nd is “Good Couple Day” - talk with your loved ones over old sake

November 22nd is “Good Couple Day”. Why not use the power of alcohol to express your feelings of gratitude that you cannot normally express?

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【11/17 ボジョレー解禁】まるでワインのような”日本酒”

[11/17 Beaujolais lifted] “Sake” that is just like wine

“Beaujolais Nouveau” becomes a hot topic every November.
Before the ban on sake is lifted, we would like to introduce aged sake with a taste that will give you the illusion that it is wine.

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秋の実りを感じる 米にこだわったヴィンテージ日本酒・焼酎

Feel the harvest of autumn with vintage sake and shochu made with carefully selected rice.

Autumn is the season of fruitfulness. The rice fields are all golden yellow, and the large ears of rice are eagerly awaiting harvest. This time, we would like to introduce aged sake and aged shochu made with rice.

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少ない量だからこそ喜ばれる ヴィンテージ日本酒ギフト

Vintage sake gifts that will be appreciated because of the small amount

When you think of alcohol as a gift, many people probably think of a 1-sho bottle of sake or shochu, or a 750ml bottle of wine. ``Ancient Sake'' has completely changed the image of alcohol gifts .

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Sake that won a gold medal at a global wine competition

Did you know that there is a type of ``old sake'' that has won a gold medal at a global wine competition ?

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[For a business partner] [For a retirement gift] Rare vintage sake highly praised by a wine-loving president

When it comes to gifts for alcohol lovers, wine, sake, and champagne are the standard gifts. Why not get creative with the gift you give this time and give a different kind of alcohol than usual?

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Does sake age? Doesn't it turn into vinegar?

I'm Matsumoto, a sommelier specializing in fine sake from ancient times. This time I will explain a little about the aging of sake. What exactly is maturation? From that point......