「第18回フェミナリーズ 世界ワインコンクール」で「INISHIE 匠 No.1~3」の3銘柄が金賞を受賞

「第18回フェミナリーズ 世界ワインコンクール」で「INISHIE 匠 No.1~3」の3銘柄が金賞を受賞

2024年4月8日(月)、4月9日(火)の二日間、 フランス ボーヌで審査が行われたワインコンクール「2024年 第18回フェミナリーズ世界ワインコンクール」の日本酒 熟成酒部門にて、『INISHIE 匠 No.1 龍力ブレンド』『INISHIE 匠 No.2 幻の瀧ブレンド』『INISHIE 匠 No.3 梅錦ブレンド』が金賞を受賞いたしました。 本コンクールは2007年から開催された、ワインの本場フランスでTOP5に入る世界的知名度の高いコンクールです。 
% Y% b% d — 古昔の美酒

長期熟成古酒『古昔の美酒』 世界100か国にて販売 越境ECサイト「47 storey」にて4月19日より取扱い開始

『古昔の美酒(いにしえのびしゅ)』を、世界118の国・地域にて販売可能な越境EC支援サービス「47 storey」(運営:株式会社JTB)にて4月19日(金)より販売開始いたします。 
% Y% b% d — 古昔の美酒
【イベント登壇】3/30(土)Sake World Summit in KYOTO-めくるめく熟成酒の世界

【イベント登壇】3/30(土)Sake World Summit in KYOTO-めくるめく熟成酒の世界

2024年3月30日(土)に開催される関西最大級の日本酒の祭典「Sake World Summit in KYOTO」の「めくるめく熟成酒の世界」にて、弊社、社長の安村が登壇し、古酒の魅力をみなさまへお伝えします。 
% Y% b% d — 古昔の美酒
Tags: Event
【INISHIE 匠 シリーズ】2024年3月18日発売「MEN'S EX(メンズ エグゼクティブ)」の「名作予報」に掲載

【INISHIE 匠 シリーズ】2024年3月18日発売「MEN'S EX(メンズ エグゼクティブ)」の「名作予報」に掲載

株式会社世界文化社が発行する、ミドルエイジのシックで上質なファッションを中心に、こだわりのライフスタイルを全方位で追及する男性総合誌「MEN'S EX(メンズ エグゼクティブ) 」2024年3月号の「名作予報」コーナーにて、古昔の美酒の「INISHIE匠」が紹介されました。
% Y% b% d — 古昔の美酒
古酒の新領域へ 日本酒のブレンド古酒を新たに開発『INISHIE 匠』 12月4日(月)販売開始

Entering a new realm of aged sake: ``INISHIE Takumi'', a newly developed aged sake blend, will go on sale on December 4th (Monday)

Based on the aged sake 1997 Selected Kikumori, which has a mature aroma, and the well-balanced sweetness of the 2007 San'in Togo, this is a unique blend of aged sake from multiple brands from different breweries. Original blend of alcoholic beverages

[INISHIE Takumi Dragon Power Blend -Doux-]

~A blend designed with the concept of “sweetness”~

Designed to take advantage of the "sweetness" blended with "2010 Ryuriki", which has won gold awards in numerous competitions. Enjoy the rich and deep flavor reminiscent of dessert wine.

[INISHIE Takumi Phantom Waterfall Blend -Acide-]

~A blend designed with the concept of “sourness”~

By blending the white wine-like "2009 Phantom Taki", the gorgeous and delicate aroma of three vintages of sake and the fruity and refreshing taste are created. The strong acidity goes well with food pairings and opens the door to a new world of sake.

[INISHIE Takumi Umenishiki Blend -Maturation-]

~A blend designed with the concept of “mature feeling”~

The addition of ``1993 Umenishiki'', which has a mature feel, brings out sweetness, acidity, and umami, as well as astringency and a slight bitterness, creating a unique, complex and well-balanced taste. With the addition of aged aroma, you can enjoy a richer and more gorgeous fragrance.

The design of the gift box features a picture of the ``Nishijin Obi'' drawn by Miyuki Satake and Masahiro Tanaka, artist employees with disabilities at Pasona Heartful, a special subsidiary of the Pasona Group that provides employment support for people with disabilities. In addition to incorporating Japanese delicacy and elegance, we also incorporate our desire to make Japanese aged sake loved by many people around the world from the perspective of diversity and inclusion.

Internal capacity:



5,000 yen (tax included)/book
2-piece set 9,000 yen (tax included), 3-piece set 12,000 yen (tax included)


% Y% b% d — 古昔の美酒
国際的な日本酒コンペティション「シンガポール酒チャレンジ2023」 長期熟成古酒 『古昔の美酒(いにしえのびしゅ)』 プラチナ賞を受賞

International sake competition “Singapore Sake Challenge 2023” Long-aged aged sake “Inishie no Bishu” received the Platinum Award

At the international sake competition “Singapore Sake Challenge 2023”,

“Beautiful sake from the ancient times 2007 San’in Togo” “Beautiful sake from the ancient times 2009 Bunzo plum wine”
The highest award was the Platinum Award for “Ancient Sake 2009 Matsufuji Umeshu”.

“Ancient Sake 1995 Aoi Tsuru” won the bronze medal.

See below for details
% Y% b% d — 古昔の美酒
「Japan Women’s SAKE Award~美酒コンクール~」のエイジド部門で最優秀賞、金賞、銀賞を受賞

Received Grand Prize, Gold Prize, and Silver Prize in the aged category of the Japan Women's SAKE Award ~Beautiful Sake Contest~

In the "Aged Division", which judges aged sake at the " Japan Women's SAKE Award ~Beautiful Sake Contest~" held on September 28, 2023 , "Ancient Sake 2001 Wakatsuru" won the top prize in the category, " Top of The Best ” and “Old and Old Bish 1999 Narimasa” won the Silver Award.

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% Y% b% d — 古昔の美酒
中国雲南料理専門店「御膳房」都内3店舗にて「2007 中野梅酒」が8月1日より提供開始

``2007 Nakano Umeshu'' will be available from August 1st at 3 stores in Tokyo of ``Gozenbo'', a restaurant specializing in Chinese Yunnan cuisine.

From August 1st, ``Ancient Beauty Sake 2007 Nakano Umeshu'' will be available at three Tokyo stores of ``Gozenbo,'' a restaurant specializing in Chinese Yunnan cuisine operated by Toko Co., Ltd.

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% Y% b% d — 古昔の美酒
「Kura Master 2023」で「1999 福光屋」がプラチナ賞を受賞、「2004 峰の雪」「2005 稲田姫」が金賞を受賞

“1999 Fukumitsuya” received the Platinum Award in “Kura Master 2023”, “2004 Mine Snow” and “2005 Inada Hime” received the Gold Award

On May 22 , 2023 , " 1999 Fukumitsuya " won the platinum award, and " 2004 Mine no Yuki" and " 2005 Inada Hime" won the gold medal in the vintage sake category of the Japanese sake competition " Kura Master 2023 " held in France . I received an award.

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% Y% b% d — 古昔の美酒
「インターナショナル ワイン チャレンジ2023」で「1999 福光屋」が金賞を受賞、「2005 稲田姫」が銅賞を受賞

“1999 Fukumitsuya” wins gold medal and “2005 Inadahime” wins bronze medal at “International Wine Challenge 2023”

For 4 days from April 24th to 27th, 2023 (Tuesday), the ``1999 Fukumitsuya'' wine competition was held in the UK in the SAKE section of the old sake section of the wine competition ``IWC (International Wine Challenge) 2023''. ” won the Gold Award, and ``2005 Inada Hime'' won the Bronze Award.

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% Y% b% d — 古昔の美酒

Media publication notice “Nikkei MJ” May 17, 2023

About the background of the establishment of Takumi Sosei and the future prospects of our premium brand of long-aged sake, ``Kogo-no-bishu'', etc.

It was introduced along with comments from President Yasumura and the sake breweries participating in ``Beautiful Sake of Ancient Times''.

% Y% b% d — 古昔の美酒
「第17回フェミナリーズ 世界ワインコンクール」で「2009 文蔵 梅酒」が金賞を受賞

“2009 Bunzo Umeshu” won the gold medal at the “17th Feminaries World Wine Competition”

In the liqueur category of the 2023 17th Feminalise World Wine Competition, which was judged in Beaune, France, for two days, April 3rd (Monday) and April 4th (Tuesday), 2023 . We won the Gold Award in 2009 Bunzo's "Best Sake of Ancient Times."

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% Y% b% d — 古昔の美酒