世界最大規模の酒類コンペティション『IWC 2024』にて、「古昔の美酒 1997 上撰喜久盛」が金賞を受賞、ほか5銘柄が入賞
世界最大規模の権威ある酒類コンペティション『インターナショナル・ワイン・チャレンジ(IWC)2024』の「SAKE部門 古酒の部」にて、「古昔の美酒 1997 上撰喜久盛」が金賞、「INISHIE 匠 No.1 龍力ブレンド」「古昔の美酒 2007 山陰東郷」が銀賞、「INISHIE 匠 No.2 幻の瀧ブレンド」「INISHIE 匠 No.3 梅錦ブレンド」が銅賞、「古昔の美酒 1984 岩の井」が推奨賞を受賞いたしました。
[New product] “Spirits AWARD 2022” released
On Tuesday, March 7, 2023, we will be releasing a new product, "Spirits AWARD 2022," which is a set of "2010 Kana" and "1984 Outstanding," which won gold and silver awards at global wine competitions, respectively.
“2000 Asahigawa” wins gold medal at “Australian Sake Awards”
On October 1, 2022, “2000 Asahigawa” won the gold medal in the aged sake category of the first Japanese sake competition “Australian Sake Awards” held in Australia.