ヴィンテージ日本酒とフルーツのペアリング お中元に最適なギフト選び

Pairing vintage sake with fruit: choosing the perfect gift for summer gifts

The season for midsummer gifts, a quintessential summer tradition, has arrived.
Ochugen is an important custom of expressing gratitude for everyday things.

Summer gifts are starting to get a bit stale. For those who love alcohol, why not try some vintage sake this year?

【バレンタイン】お酒好きな方にぴったり バレンタインギフト

[Valentine] Perfect Valentine's gift for those who love alcohol

The standard gift for Valentine's Day is chocolate, but this year, why not change things up and give a gift of alcohol that goes well with chocolate?

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【11/17 ボジョレー解禁】まるでワインのような”日本酒”

[11/17 Beaujolais lifted] “Sake” that is just like wine

“Beaujolais Nouveau” becomes a hot topic every November.
Before the ban on sake is lifted, we would like to introduce aged sake with a taste that will give you the illusion that it is wine.

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The usual vanilla ice cream becomes a special sweet

Aged aged sake can transform ice cream, which can be easily purchased at convenience stores and supermarkets, into the finest sweets in an instant.

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Get ready for summer with eel and aged sake

Doyo no Ushi Day in 2022 will be Saturday, July 23rd.

Many people may eat eel on the day of the ox. In fact, grilled eel and aged sake go very well together.

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Great potential for pairing with “good sake from ancient times”

Aged sake has a variety of gorgeous aromas and a rich, complex flavor that is not found in regular sake. This time, we will suggest how to pair it with various genres of cuisine.

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What do dishes that go well with aged sake have in common?

The characteristic of aged sake is its rich aroma and taste. This time, we will introduce common features of dishes that go well with the taste of aged sake.

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