Ryukyu Matsufhji
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This product `Ryukyu Matsufuji' is featuring `Sakiyama Brewery'' from ``Ryukyu Awamori'', a unique geographically indicated alcoholic beverage recognized worldwide, and a set of vintage awamori and plum wine.
①2007 Matsufuji (180ml)
Ryukyu Awamori
Ingredient:Rice Koji
Alcohol content:44%
Vintage awamori with a savory taste of aged koji, and fine sweetness of spring water of Kin-cho used even for washing rice. Unlikely for an alcohol content of 44%, a mild and rich flavor, fine aroma, and sweetness will fill the mouth.
Sakiyama Brewery Co., Ltd.(Established in 1905)
Okinawa is one of the exclusive production areas of awamori. Though awamori is normally made from malted rice (koji), Sakiyama Brewery grows “aged koji” over three days. With a rich and full taste, its unprocessed sake presents high enzymatic activity to withstand long-term maturation. The motto of Sakiyama shuzosho is to avoid excessive distillation or filtration to maintain the savory taste.
②2009 Matsufuji Plum wine(180ml)
Sake Awamori brown
sugar plum wine
Ingredient:Awamori ・Brown sugar Plum・Processed brown sugar
Alcohol content:16%
Tank storage
Room temperature
Its plum liquor is exclusively made from Okinawa’s brown sugar and Nanko plum from Minabe-cho, Wakayama
Prefecture. The rich flavor combined with sweetness and sourness will bring about an elegant atmosphere.