Komeno Tsuyu

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rice Shochu 3bottele (300ml )

① 2002 Kuromatsu Okina

Rice Shochu


Alcohol content:45%


Rice shochu with a 45% alcohol content produced via a special distillation method with lowered pressure. This presents a clear taste derived from original rice, thick richness, fine aroma and sweetness.

MorimotosenuemonsyotenCo., Ltd.(Establishedin 1844)

Based in Iga of Mie Prefecture, the site of Ise Grand Shrine, Morimoto Senemon shoten brews refined sake and rice shochu. With a particular focus on local rice, the brewer engages in rice cultivation, and the brewery of mild and rich sake to go well with the climate and food culture of Iga. Its brand “Okina” contains a wish for national stability, a huge harvest, national peace, and public happiness.

②2004 瑞鷹

Rice Shochu


Alcohol content:42%

It is characterized by its rich aroma and mellow mouthfeel, produced by long-term aging of high-concentration unblended sake that is distilled under normal pressure without adding extra pressure.

Zuiyo Co., Ltd.(Established 1867)
The currently common “Kyokai yeast No.9” was developed in Kumamoto Prefecture. Though the Kyushu region is famous for shochu, there are many sake breweries in Kumamoto due to Zuiyo which was founded to “produce the first sake in the prefecture.” Not only shochu but also sake and akazake are produced according to the climate in Kumamoto.

③2009 Fusanotsuyu

Rice Shochu
Ingredient:Rice・Rice Koji
Alcohol content:40%


By long-term aging, it has a mellow taste that does not make you feel the alcohol content exceeding 40%, a smooth mouthfeel, and even sweetness. The scent of rice that gently slips through your nose creates a graceful time.

Fusanotsuyu Co., Ltd.(Established 1907)
This distillery is committed to providing the best ingredients, storage and quality combining innovation and flexibility without neglecting research and development while still passing down the traditions and techniques of Kuma Shochu which has been made from rice for 500 years. Utilizing the climate of Kuma which is blessed with great tasting water, ingredients as well as crisp and clear air creates an authentic shochu which can only be produced in Kumamoto.