
[Gozenbo] [Chinese Yunnan Cuisine] Healthy and beautiful from the inside out through food

We spoke with Mr. Xu Yaohua, CEO of Gozenbo, a Chinese Yunnan restaurant with locations in Roppongi and Ginza.

% Y% b% d — 古昔の美酒
【THE GRAND GINZA】【フレンチ】生産者の笑顔を胸に「食」と向き合う

[THE GRAND GINZA] [French] Facing “food” with the smiles of the producers in mind

This time, we spoke to Masahide Takahashi, the service manager and sommelier of THE GRAND GINZA, a French restaurant located on the top floor of GINZA SIX .

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【THE LEGIAN TOKYO】【フレンチ・デザート】日本酒が苦手でも惚れた 古酒のペアリングの可能性

[THE LEGIAN TOKYO] [French Dessert] Even if you don't like Japanese sake, you'll fall in love with the possibility of pairing old sake

“The Legian Tokyo” is a celebratory French restaurant overlooking the city of Shibuya.
This time, we heard from Deputy Manager Mr. Suzuki, Head Chef Mr. Nagase, and Sous Chef Mr. Saito.

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【鮨 誠虎】【日本料理・鮨】試行錯誤の末、生まれた感動のペアリング

[Sushi Seitora] [Japanese cuisine/Sushi] An impressive pairing created after trial and error

This time we interviewed Mr. Toyomoto, the owner of "Sushi Seitora" located in Nagatacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
We asked Mr. Toyomoto what he thinks is the charm of "good sake from ancient times."

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